
Creating your new reality

It is commonly and generally found in religious and spiritual texts and scriptures that we create our own reality. We are responsible for what we come across in life. By doing Reiki, we can definitely create whatever we want in life. This way we will have our own conditions and terms in life.

Moreover, creating your new reality is not something out of reach of any person but a close possibility which can be materialized through regular and dedicated practice. It begins with getting trained and receiving attunement and then goes on practicing it. This creates the new world for us and we are able to live in conditions and situations of our creation.

By creating a new world full of possibilities we are able to do whatever we always wanted to accomplish in life. Life begins to change in the direction of our thoughts. It seems that things are shaping just the way we had desires but unable to implement all along. You will feel all your age-old dreams turn into reality as all the things in life will be exactly as per your plans. Life will start to adjust to your dreams instead what was happening till now – you were adjusting to life.

Your demands were going unfulfilled and unheeded till now but now the things will be entirely different. You will see things but will find difficult to believe in what will be happening around you. There will be entirely new set of events, circumstances, and situations in life. It will be just life rebirth and you can begin life afresh and anew. This is now no more a remote and distant dream which existed only in your imaginations but part of your daily and routine life!

There can be nothing better than that as the whole new world unfolds in front of you. You will be at the helm of affairs and it will not get better. You will be living your dreams in this world only which you always thought to be impossible. It will not be a fairly-tale dream but part of your dream which was never fulfilled. You should realise that realities of your life are yours only. They do not belong to anybody else and they are your own. You create them by thinking positively and with affirmation. As you think, so does become the world or reality around you. Things will acquire entirely new dimension and the floodgates to new realities will open, taking your life to new heights.

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