
Creating Prosperity with Reiki

Reiki recognizes the power of thought and reality. We can do and create anything and everything we really want and desire. It is really all about the strength of thought and the only ‘criteria’ is that the thought should be authentic or genuine or should come truly from the mind.

If the thought is good, it manifests itself into reality and if it is not, it creates energy blocks in the energy field around us or the aura. In case of negative energy, there are blocks in the flow of energy that can be cleared only with strong positive energy.

For creating anything we first must have the thought for it. If we are full of doubt, fear, anxiety and worry we are allowing the negative things to manifest in our life as reality in the present and future. We can create prosperity and wealth by strong positive energy and working for it.

Reiki helps focus the healing energy on the right things in our lives and let the unwanted things go by. The collective human consciousness of persons who are successful in life is a very big example of how we can create prosperity and success through intense, exclusive and sheer positive thinking. It is all about removing the bad energy from ourselves and engulfing ourselves with strong waves of positive energy.

‘Good energy’ not only heals us but makes us successful in every sphere of life such as relationships, events and physical outcomes etc. For anything regarding prosperity and success, thorough discipline is a must. This is more so for those who are taking Reiki sessions and attunements. Reiki empowers our thoughts and ideas to create a strong reality.

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